This vacuum gauge can be used to test non - condensable gases only.
本真空计只能测试 非 凝性气体.
互联网Vacuum level adjusted automatically and seen with vacuum gauge.
互联网General description: McLeod vacuum gauge is a vacuum measuring device designed based on Boyle law.
概述: 麦氏真空计是根据波义耳定律设计的一种真空测量仪器.
互联网The pump dose not pumping water, but the vacuum gauge shows high vacuum.
水泵不吸水, 真空表仍表示高度真空.
互联网This paper introduces a new type of wide - range vacuum gauge.
互联网Combined Pressure and Vacuum Gauge and Vacuum Gauge.
互联网Vacuum gauge and valve assembly can optimize the flow of samples.
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